Thursday 13 January 2011



-- Old, burning photo of man. Man wearing a suit. FADES TO BLACK


-- A boy of 16 years of age in his bedroom, sitting on his bed, talking on the phone. Wearing a simple T-shirt, no jacket. A little excitement is in his voice.

‘Yh I’ll be out in a sec, u got the camera?.... Good inabit’

-- Boy gets up of bed and walks to the door picking up his black jacket on the way and sliding it on as he walks.

-- Another angle, boy is now outside walking over a field that leads up to a fence with of group of his friends standing nearby. There will be four friends waiting two boys and two girls. (Inaudible) They will be chatting about what their plans are for that day. All will be of a similar age.

-- Burning newspaper with headline of a man who has died in a fire. The edges of the paper will be burnt and charred. Under the story and photo, the names of the producers and actors are there.

--Foot treads onto newspaper and tilts up to see the group walking away.

-- The group are walking down the path with trees on either side; the music fades to natural sounds.

--Main character Jack unravels a little bit of the back-story of the house.

‘Yh, I heard he got trapped in his burning house trying to save his kid’

-- They get to the bottom of the path that gets to the opening to the house. There are no windows; it is evident that the house is now abandoned. As they get to the house, Jack is the only one who is brave enough to go in. Jack climbs through the space that the windows are meant to be.

-- As both of his feet touch the ground on the inside, he pretends to be dragged away into the shadows screaming. After a short pause and a buzz of scaredom over the others, he then jumps out to scare them.

-- Just after he reappears a burnt, charred arm appears from the bottom right corner of the window frame and takes him round the neck and properly drags him into the darkness.
(rushes towards the window frame, turns back to see no one is following him)
‘Come, on!’

-- (Angle from inside the house) Group shows expressions of fear, confusion and doubt they then rush in over the window frame.

--Group cautiously walks through the charred room, too spot Jack’s body in the doorway.

--As they approach they hear Jack moaning. Blood on his face Ryan leans towards Jack with his hand towards him. Jack looks up eyes wide and fearful.   

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