Thursday 7 April 2011

Question 4 - Leanne

In horror films there are a range of different stereotypes that they use. For gender, they normally use a 'defenseless' girl to play the victim. Their normally the one who goes into the room where the noise came from or need to be rescued. In our film we switched the roles and used a male to play the victim and gets help from a female friend. This challenges dominant ideology for horror genre.

  Another gender stereotype used in horror films is the girl refusing to go into the 'scary' place. For ours we used a 'scary' house and made the girl not want to go inside. This showed dominant ideology.

Manly in ghost horror films they use children as a treat or a older male. We originally went with an elderly male that had a background of hating children but towards the end of our filming we decided that it didn't matter what age or gender it was and left it open for the audience to decide.

The setting stereotype was also something we had to consider in order to make a good opening sequence. In ghost horrors especially the lighting is usually dark or natural to create a mysterious feel about the setting. We did this in ours:

This is a screen grab from the film 'Nightmare on Elm street. We used this film as inspiration for the darkness of the setting. Here you can see the darkness is used as natural lighting just like we tried to do.

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