Thursday 7 April 2011

Question 8 -Leanne

The preliminary task: 

Our Final film:

Looking back over our preliminary task we have used similar techniques but perfected them and took notice of the rules you had to follow while filming. While watching the preliminary task I noticed a lot of jumps and lack of continuity. Also a lot of shots didn't make sense in a horror film. Throughout the clip there are various mistakes like using both sides of the 180 degree rule and not abiding by the 30 degree rule.  Also there are moments when the camera is not kept steady and where the tracks and pans are too fast and irrelevant.

Here is a shot of the preliminary task's close up shot that we used. Here  you cant really see the facial expression well . This shot should have been more of a close up and the camera should have been positioned more to the left so that the face would have been in the middle of the shot. 

 In our Final piece image on the right you can see the actors facial expression and the positioning of the camera was a lot better. 
In this preliminary image there are multiple things wrong with it. In the background there was people from the public constantly walking around in the background and making noise, this made it hard for filming it and created problems when we filmed it. Also for a horror film it's very bright and sunny which doesn't reflect the mood and atmosphere in which we tried to create. 

In the image to the right from our final film you can see how we changed the lighting to give it a better atmosphere and make it look more 'scary'. Also the area was  abandoned so filming was a lot easier and nothing intervened. 

 Another problem that I found in the preliminary task was the positioning of shots. We didn't use the 'rule of thirds' so found it really hard to be able to catch the shots we wanted originally. In the image you can see what we intended to be a splash in the bottom left corner. The ripple should have been zoomed in and made into a close up so the audience should notice it more. 

In the image to the right you can see that we got the feet in close up and clearly in the centre of the shot.  By using the rule of thirds and zooming in on the shot it made the shot a lot clearer and smoother. 

Looking back at the preliminary tasks I can see how much we have progressed. We have positioned shots better and continuity was no longer a problem in our final film. The sound was a lot clearer and smoother because of less distractions from the public. 
If we were to do this task again I would properly add more shots of the threat and make it more obvious that something was going to happen. I would also just tweak some things in order to make it run more smoothly. But overall I don't think We would change much.   

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